Life Simplified - Winner of 2013 Telly Award

Life Simplified Concepts: Physical Compatibility

Physical compatibility is primarily about sex but it also about intimacy. The sexual act itself may be generic, but each person has their own idiosyncrasies or even deviancies (meant in a non-desecrating way) that they want met or satisfied. It is between two consenting adults so the parameters are set by each couple alone. Since the Life Simplified Concepts (LSC), is designed for longevity, the underlying message of this chapter is threefold: choose a person who can handle your crazy stuff; make sure you can handle their crazy stuff, and lastly, your standard should not be looking for perfection but what type and level of sexual package you are able to settle with as your steady diet, and whether your partner is capable of delivering that for you as requested. The arrangement also goes for you delivering for your partner.

About the author

Dr. Tseday is a clinical psychologist and one of the country's leading experts in marriage, relationships, and self development. She advocates a unique and at times controversial approach to the dynamics of marriage and personal development, the necessary element for a successful relationship. Read more »

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