Life Simplified - Winner of 2013 Telly Award

Ask Dr. Tseday: May 26, 2008

T.M. from Atlanta, Georgia asks: Everyday my husband comes home from work and sits himself in front of the TV set for the whole night until we go to bed. It’s the only time we have to talk, or do something together, but he always says he’s tired and just wants to relax. How can I get him away from the TV and interested in something else, with me?

Dr. Tseday responds: This is your husband’s way of saying “I don’t want to talk.” For some reason, he’s avoiding you, and you need to find out why. Change the way you approach him and how you “talk” to him about things. Make yourself more approachable so he can tell you what’s going on. Some points to keep in mind are: Are you nagging? Yelling? Are you good company? Do you know how to have fun? Does he have the power to make changes? Is he under pressure? Is he trying to figure things out on his own? Make the communication easier and stress-free and you’ll see him open-up like a door.

About the author

Dr. Tseday is a clinical psychologist and one of the country's leading experts in marriage, relationships, and self development. She advocates a unique and at times controversial approach to the dynamics of marriage and personal development, the necessary element for a successful relationship. Read more »

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